Zotero Standalone unavailable - Chrome+Win8x64
Hello. I am always getting a "Zotero Standalone is currently unavailable" status in my Chrome browser, even though Zotero Standalone is up and running. I collected a ReportID:349956136 error from Chrome and ReportID:1561180468 from Zotero (the latter, I think, is totally unrelated).
My setup:
Chrome 33.0.1750.117 (Official Build 252094) m
Windows 8 x64
Zotero 4.0.17
Can someone help me to diagnose the problem? If you need more info, please ask.
Thank you for your help.
My setup:
Chrome 33.0.1750.117 (Official Build 252094) m
Windows 8 x64
Zotero 4.0.17
Can someone help me to diagnose the problem? If you need more info, please ask.
Thank you for your help.
(3)(+0001480): HTTP POST {} to
(3)(+0001006): Connector: Method ping failed with status 0
which, I guess, means that something (avast antivirus?) is blocking traffic to localhost. Can anyone confirm this diagnosis? Any experiences on this?
I don't think I have any other software blocking my traffic...
Any further ideas?
FWIW should give you "Endpoint is not supported by this application"
TCP ...
but, no, there is no such line (and there is no other line referring port 23119). What next...?
Disabling the "export by HTTP" option of this plugin kills all the communication on, including obviously the Zotero Connector. Re-enabling the "export by HTTP" option in Zotero Preferences->Better Bib(La)TeX and restarting Zotero Standalone solves the problem:
* opening now gives me "Endpoint is not supported by this application"
* Zotero connector finally says: "Zotero standalone is currently available"
I guess I should report the problem to the developer of the relevant plugin, right?
Thank you for you guidance and patience guys.
PS: can someone mark the thread as [solved]?
1. Zotero http on, http export on (=current 'on')
2. Zotero http off, http export off (=current 'off')
3. Zotero http on, http export off (disable http export)
But I think the warning server the same purpose.
I seem to have a similar problem. Zotero connector works fine in Firefox, but does not work at all in Chrome with Zotero Standalone.
I tried to disable all other chrome extensions, reinstall the extension from the Zotero website, and update Zotero standalone: nothing seemed to work.
Zotero Standalone status is always: "Zotero Standalone is currently unavailable".
The logged output is the following:
(3)(+0025396): HTTP POST {} to
(3)(+0000115): Connector: Method ping failed with status 503
In netstats -aon the output includes a line with
If I try to connect to the URL: :
- in Chrome and Explorer, I get an error message ("While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered: Connection to Failed
The system returned: (111) Connection refused")
- in Firefox, the answer is correct: Endpoint does not support method
Anyone can help me with this issue?
[Sorry - solved by checking "ignore proxy server for local addresses" in the proxy configuration window]
[Edit: Ah, right then.]
I finally solved it adding the address to the Exception box that can be located in (Windows 7):
Internet Options > Connections > LAN Configuration > Proxy Server (Advanced Options) > Exceptions
Maybe it can be helpful for others having a similar problem.
Best regards.