Evernote Import: Missing Note Title
Have exported from Zotero in Simple Evernote Export format. When I import that file to Evernote, get an error message: MISSING_NOTE_TITLE [their all-caps, not mine]. What am I doing wrong, please? Zotero version 4.0.17, Evernote version
Thanks much, Bill Cole
Thanks much, Bill Cole
Then I imported to Evernote only those items which did not have notes attached, still leaving the Export Notes box checked. That worked perfectly.
So splitting the baby did the trick but doesn't leave one with any clues as to why I got the message in the first place.
BTW, tags that are attached to Notes in Zotero, don't appear to export; at least they didn't show in Evernote once all the importing finished. Is that known or is that the result of something I did incorrectly, please?
Thanks very much, indeed, for your help. Back to work.
Bill Cole