On firefox start, collection is never selected, error message "Could not save item You cannot ma

Why is my collection (I only have one) not selected when firefox starts? I always get the following error message when I try to add a page (usually from the icon in the URL bar).

"Could not save item You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection."

If I then go to Zotero and click on my one and only collection, which is already highlighted, it will then work fine.

Happens with every single known dtabase or page.
  • I can't reproduce this. If you haven't yet opened the Zotero pane, Zotero will save to the library root to be safe, but you shouldn't get that message.

    Also, provide a Report ID if possible.
  • Are you sure that you aren't in the "Trash" collection when you experience this? You cannot save new items to the trash. if you opened the trash to empty it and didn't select another collection before closing Zotero, this is normal behavior. Be sure that you are not in your trash but in a collection or your library.
  • Okay, so why isn't my only collection the root library? Did I delete the root library? Is the root library the same as the default default library? I'll move on to reporting...

    I've never used the trash. I've rarely deleted anything. Nothing in it at the mo.
  • you can't delete the root library. "My Library" is the root and it will always be there and you're always able to save into it. Do you belong to any groups?
  • No, no groups.
  • edited February 23, 2014
    Can you provide a Debug ID for this? You can access the Zotero preferences via the Firefox Add-ons window without first opening the Zotero pane.
  • The Debug ID is D1128984999.

    Includes me failing, selecting my one collection, and then succesfully adding from the URl bar icon.
  • That just shows a huge auto-sync, which is failing (and has been for days) due to a sync conflict. (See the sync error icon next to the sync button.) You need to click the Sync icon to sync manually, resolve conflicts, and then try again once the sync goes through successfully.
  • I know this is one year old, but I am getting the same error. I have zotero set to open in an app tab at firefox startup. When I get this error, I just need to switch tabs to the zotero tab and then back and everything is working. I am not clicking anything in the zotero tab. It's like zotero hasn't loaded until I switch to the tab (which has nothing in it directly when I switch, but after one second the zotero interface pops up).

    My Report ID is 48392730. I guess the lines in the beginning are the important ones, then I started doing other things.

    Line from the beginning of the error report:
    [JavaScript Error: "ReferenceError: module is not defined" {file: "chrome://zoteroscholarcitations/content/scripts/zoteroscholarcitations.js" line: 239}]
    [JavaScript Error: "uncaught exception: Error opening input stream (invalid filename?): resource://jprssicon/overlay.js"]
    [JavaScript Error: "ReferenceError: module is not defined" {file: "chrome://zoteroscholarcitations/content/scripts/zoteroscholarcitations.js" line: 239}]
    [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: messageManager is undefined" {file: "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///home/joel/.mozilla/firefox/y9mrm2rj.default/extensions/jid0-raWjElI57dRa4jx9CCiYm5qZUQU@jetpack.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/context-menu.js" line: 690}]
    [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: messageManager is undefined" {file: "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///home/joel/.mozilla/firefox/y9mrm2rj.default/extensions/jid0-raWjElI57dRa4jx9CCiYm5qZUQU@jetpack.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/context-menu.js" line: 690}]
  • start by disabling all other add-ons, particular scholar citations for Zotero, but for testing it would be good to actually disable everything else.
  • I think I had this issue before installing any addons, but I will try to run without scholar citations for a while and see if that helps
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