Extract bibliographic data from Dropbox collection?

I am a librarian working with a professor and his graduate assistant. The professor has a large library of documents stored in Dropbox. He has never used a citation manager, but he would like to start. I recommended Zotero. The GRA is supposed to find a way to store the bibliographic information from the collection in Dropbox in Zotero. The professor has shared several Dropbox folders with the student.

We have been unable to find a way to do this. I see a lot about syncing files, but I haven't seen anything about pulling bibliographic data out of Dropbox. Can anyone help us?
  • There is no bibliographic data on Dropbox if I understand you correctly, just a large number of files so there's no data to pull, but what you want to look at is this:

    You will want to work with the beta version of Zotero
    or wait for the 4.0.18 release when doing this, though. With the current version the google scholar lock-outs will make this rather unworkable for a large collection.
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