Extract bibliographic data from Dropbox collection?
I am a librarian working with a professor and his graduate assistant. The professor has a large library of documents stored in Dropbox. He has never used a citation manager, but he would like to start. I recommended Zotero. The GRA is supposed to find a way to store the bibliographic information from the collection in Dropbox in Zotero. The professor has shared several Dropbox folders with the student.
We have been unable to find a way to do this. I see a lot about syncing files, but I haven't seen anything about pulling bibliographic data out of Dropbox. Can anyone help us?
We have been unable to find a way to do this. I see a lot about syncing files, but I haven't seen anything about pulling bibliographic data out of Dropbox. Can anyone help us?
You will want to work with the beta version of Zotero
or wait for the 4.0.18 release when doing this, though. With the current version the google scholar lock-outs will make this rather unworkable for a large collection.