Spanish Diacriticals in Zotero

Is there a way to enter spanish diacriticals in Zotero? We are creating a database of literature containing a lot of Spanish titles. Alt + 0241 does not work with Zotero. Thanks for your advise. Christian
  • Depends on the operating system. Zotero does support standard character input in unicode. In Windows the easiest is probably to switch to an international (or a Spanish) keyboard. I believe alt + num should work, though note that the numbers need to be entered on the number pad on the right or with num lock set to true. Haven't tested that.

    I switch keyboards on linux, too, though there you can use the compose key if you just occasionally use accents.

    Similar to that you can compose diacritics on a Mac:
  • (That OS X article is out of date. On Lion and newer, there's an easier way of typing accented characters (though it can be turned off on the command line in order to reenable key repeat, in which case the old way still works).)
  • Thanks for your suggestions so far. By switching between German and Spanish keyboard in Windows the use of diacritical signs is easy. Thanks for your help!
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