Author with multiple given names

Dear Zotero community,

I want to cite someone with multiple given names (Philip St.J. Lastname) as follows:

P. St.J. Lastname "his paper title"...

However in Zotero I can only add one given name. Thus it will always abbreviate it as follows:

P. S. Lastname "his paper title" ...

or (depending on what I select in my style)

P. S. J. Lastname "his paper's title" ...

This is not what I want. I also thought about artifically changing his last name to "St. J. Lastname", but that also is not such a good idea, as then the references im my thesis will come up as follows:

(St. J. Lastname 2014)

instead of just

(Lastname 2014)

like all the others. Is there any possibility to add more than one given name in Zotero or do you have any other ideas on how to achieve my goal?

Thanks a million in advance,

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