translator="Nature Publishing Group": retrieval: PDF fails, snapshot hangs

I'm running ZF + connector= + ZS=4.0.6-6 on debian. ZS>Preferences>Automatically check for updated translators is set, and I just now hit button=Update now. When I access a Nature article (e.g., ) through my uni's proxy (proxy omitted), my browser shows the expected

+ top-of-page banner with "Access provided to ..."
+ address bar icon with translator="Nature Publishing Group"

However, when I click the icon to Save to Zotero,

- the PDF fails to save (with redX in save UI)
- snapshot retrieval just hangs until I click on the UI box

When I switch to ZS, I see the article apparently fully retrieved, except for the PDF (which I am able to download and attach separately).
  • we'll look into this, but you are aware that you can just close ZS and get more reliable import of PDFs, especially when going through a proxy? Any reason you're having Standalone open?
    Also, very well possible that the problem is using an outdated version of ZS. If this works with basic testing for us we're going to assume that's the case.
  • yes, this works for me With Chrome, Standalone & through proxy. I'd assume the problem is the outdated ZS version.
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