Tags and relationships in central pane

The following pehaps also could be of interest for future updates:

The central pane provides a first overview of one's records, especially with large bibliographies. To find out whether a given record has tags attached to it, or is related to another item, one has to browse the different tabs of the right pane first.

(1) The central pane only shows the + symbol left from the record's title if a note or file is attached. It would be very interesting also to show the tag symbol in the central pane (just like the symbol for notes is displayed). In other words, the + symbol would mean that either a note or a tag is there. Like that, one knows immediately whether there is some meta-data attached to the record, without browsing the right pane.

(2) Similarly, relationships between items could be shown in the very same way. Again, one has to browse the right pane to find this information. It could be shown in the central pane, in the same way as it is shown when a record has a note attached to it.

Thanks for this great piece of software - I'm using it constantly now.

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