can not find my data bank any more after having reset firefox

Hello, after I got a message my firefox is slow, and I should reset it, I did. because I used the version of Zotero, connected to firefox, it was not there anymore. I had to install Zotero again. I choosed the new stand alone version 4. When I opened it , zotero could not find and import my old data set. to be honest, I also do not know where it is. Then i also installed the new version connected to firefox. The same result.
I found a new folder "old firefox data" which contains a folder "3odoafuy.default" this one a folder "zotero", here i found three files "zotero.sqlite", "zotero.squlite.1.bak" and "zotero.squlite.bak". They contain several mbytes, so I guess they are may data bank. But Zotero was not able to open them. Does anybody has an idea, how I can get back my data bank?
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