Inspec (Web of Science) : author import issue
When we import reference data from Inspec into Zotero (plugin for Firefox), the authors' names are not included. The references in Zotero have no authors, even if there are authors in the reference in Inspec.
This issue occurs only in Inspec and not, for example, in Web of Science Core Collection, which uses the same search interface. Maybe this is due to the new Web of Science search interface.
This issue occurs only in Inspec and not, for example, in Web of Science Core Collection, which uses the same search interface. Maybe this is due to the new Web of Science search interface.
Could you open an individual item, at the top select "Save to Other File Formats" and in the dialog "Other Reference Software" and "Full Record". Open the File with a text editor and paste the entire content here.
FN Thomson Reuters Web of ScienceĀ®
VR 1.0
AN 13922419
DT Journal Paper
TI An Earth-sized planet with an Earth-like density
AU Pepe, F.
Collier Cameron, A.
Latham, D.W.
Molinari, E.
Udry, S.
Bonomo, A.S.
Buchhave, L.A.
Charbonneau, D.
Cosentino, R.
Dressing, C.D.
Dumusque, X.
Figueira, P.
Fiorenzano, A.F.M.
Gettel, S.
Harutyunyan, A.
Haywood, R.D.
Horne, K.
Lopez-Morales, M.
Lovis, C.
Malavolta, L.
Mayor, M.
Micela, G.
Motalebi, F.
Nascimbeni, V.
Phillips, D.
Piotto, G.
Pollacco, D.
Queloz, D.
Rice, K.
Sasselov, D.
Segransan, D.
Sozzetti, A.
Szentgyorgyi, A.
Watson, C.A.
SO Nature
PY 2013
PD 21 Nov.
VL 503
IS 7476
JI Nature (UK)
BP 377
EP 380
PS 377-80
LA English
AB Recent analyses of data from the NASA Kepler spacecraft have established
that planets with radii within 25 per cent of the Earth's (R otimes) are
commonplace throughout the Galaxy, orbiting at least 16.5 per cent of
Sun-like stars. Because these studies were sensitive to the sizes of the
planets but not their masses, the question remains whether these
Earth-sized planets are indeed similar to the Earth in bulk composition.
The smallest planets for which masses have been accurately determined
are Kepler-10b (1.42R otimes) and Kepler-36b (1.49R otimes), which are
both significantly larger than the Earth. Recently, the planet
Kepler-78b was discovered and found to have a radius of only 1.16R
otimes. Here we report that the mass of this planet is 1.86 Earth
masses. The resulting mean density of the planet is 5.57 g cm -3, which
is similar to that of the Earth and implies a composition of iron and
DE Experimental/ extrasolar planetary composition; extrasolar planetary mass; iron/ planetary rock; iron composition; extrasolar planetary mass; planetary
bulk composition; planetary sizes; Sun-like stars; Galaxy; exoplanet
radii; NASA Kepler spacecraft data; Earth-like density; Earth-sized
planet; Kepler-10b; Kepler-36b; Kepler-78b; Fe/ A9785N Extrasolar planetary dimensions
A9785F Extrasolar planetary masses
A9785E Extrasolar planetary chemical composition/ Fe/el/ Kepler-10b; Kepler-36b; Kepler-78b
C1 Pepe, F.; Udry, S.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Motalebi, F.; Segransan, D.;
Obs. Astron., Univ. de Geneve, Versoix, Switzerland.
Collier Cameron, A.; Haywood, R.D.; Horne, K.; Sch. of Phys. & Astron.,
Univ. of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK.
Latham, D.W.; Charbonneau, D.; Dressing, C.D.; Dumusque, X.; Gettel, S.;
Lopez-Morales, M.; Phillips, D.; Sasselov, D.; Szentgyorgyi, A.;
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophys., Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molinari, E.; INAF - Fundacion Galileo Galilei, Brena Baja, Spain.
Bonomo, A.S.; Sozzetti, A.; INAF - Oss. Astrofis. di Torino, Pino
Torinese, Italy.
Buchhave, L.A.; Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophys., Cambridge,
Cosentino, R.; INAF - Fundacion Galileo Galilei, Brena Baja, Spain.
Figueira, P.; Centro de Astrofis., Univ. do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Fiorenzano, A.F.M.; Harutyunyan, A.; INAF - Fundacion Galileo Galilei,
Brena Baja, Spain.
Malavolta, L.; Piotto, G.; Dipt. di Fis. e Astron. ldquoGalileo
Galileirdquo, Univ. di Padova, Padua, Italy.
Micela, G.; INAF - Oss. Astron. di Palermo, Palermo, Italy.
Nascimbeni, V.; INAF - Oss. Astron. di Padova, Padua, Italy.
Pollacco, D.; Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
Queloz, D.; Obs. Astron., Univ. de Geneve, Versoix, Switzerland.
Rice, K.; Inst. for Astron., R. Obs., Univ. of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Watson, C.A.; Astrophys. Res. Centre, Queen's Univ. Belfast, Belfast,
RI Figueira, Pedro/J-4916-2013
OI Figueira, Pedro/0000-0001-8504-283X
PU Nature Publishing Group
SC Astronomy & Astrophysics (provided by Thomson Reuters)
NR 28
SN 0028-0836
DI 10.1038/nature12768
UT INSPEC:13922419
Please let us know how it works.
Dan, could you get us the ISI record from that debug, please? Since spaces might matter, maybe put in a gist?
@laureMEL, since neither of us has access to INSPEC, could you do the following:
From the page where you exported the Full Record above, could you right-click the page and (assuming you're doing this in Firefox) select Save Page As... In the dialog that pops up, could you select "Web page, HTML only" as "Save as Type" then save it with whatever name you want. Finally, email the HTML file to That file should not include any personal information other than whatever is visible on the page.
The record in plain text is:
FN Thomson Reuters Web of Scienceā¢
VR 1.0
AN 13847246
DT Journal Paper
TI Placing limits on the transit timing variations of circumbinary
AU Armstrong, D.
Martin, D.V.
Brown, G.
Faedi, F.
Gomez Maqueo Chew, Y.
Mardling, R.
Pollacco, D.
Triaud, A.H.M.J.
Udry, S.
SO Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
PY 2013
PD 1 Oct.
VL 434
IS 4
JI Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (UK)
BP 3047
EP 3054
PS 3047-54
LA English
AB We present an efficient analytical method to predict the maximum transit
timing variations of a circumbinary exoplanet, given some basic
parameters of the host binary. We derive an analytical model giving
limits on the potential location of transits for coplanar planets
orbiting eclipsing binaries, then test it against numerical N-body
simulations of a distribution of binaries and planets. We also show the
application of the analytic model to Kepler-16b, -34b and -35b. The
resulting method is fast, efficient and is accurate to approximately 1
per cent in predicting limits on possible times of transits over a 3-yr
observing campaign. The model can easily be used to, for example, place
constraints on transit timing while performing circumbinary planet
searches on large data sets. It is adaptable to use in situations where
some or many of the planet and binary parameters are unknown.
DE Theoretical or Mathematical/ eclipsing binary stars; extrasolar planetary motion; N-body simulations
(astronomical); transits/ transit timing variations; circumbinary exoplanets; host binary
parameters; coplanar planets; eclipsing binaries; numerical N-body
simulations; binary distribution; planet parameters; Kepler-16b;
Kepler-34b; Kepler-35b/ A9785C Extrasolar planetary motion
A9510G Eclipses, transits and occultations
A9780H Eclipsing binaries/ Kepler-16b; Kepler-34b; Kepler-35b
C1 Armstrong, D.; Brown, G.; Faedi, F.; Gomez Maqueo Chew, Y.; Pollacco,
D.; Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
Martin, D.V.; Mardling, R.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Udry, S.; Obs. de Geneve,
Univ. de Geneve, Sauverny, Switzerland.
PU Oxford University Press
SC Astronomy & Astrophysics (provided by Thomson Reuters)
NR 31
SN 0035-8711
DI 10.1093/mnras/stt1226
UT INSPEC:13847246
TI Placing limits on the transit timing variations of circumbinary
SO Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society