Does all Data transfer in an export?

Does all data entered transfer if I exported and moved to a different computer? (in particular, would links to files stick if they were in the same place on a different computer? Do things in the "related" tab stick upon export?

  • If you do either of these then yes:

    But using export/import, no, you'll lose related connections and I believe also links to files, though not 100% sure about that.
  • Okay - thanks. I've been trying to reorganize my massive folder of primary sources (right now 80-120+ gigs). I'm finding if I mass copy the links to the files in, I can add an item and attach the link to the item after reading the file. I'm using the color-coded tags to mark items as read/unread/urgent, etc. I'm using the notes to add some short notes about the item. All of that seems to be working relatively well -- the one issue I'm having is:
    1) I want to be mark each item with about 1-5 "tags" designating where the item will be useful (for example, Ch 1: Section X, Ch 2: Section Y, and Chapter 2: Section Z). I debated using the tag function, but there doesn't seem to be a way to quickly add several tags at once (I see you can do this: "To quickly add multiple tags, press Shift + Enter when you have selected a tag in the right-hand column. This will expand the field. Copy and paste a list of desired tags into the field, and press Shift + Enter again." But I don't want to copy/paste them in). So I found that I could create my markers "e.g. Ch 1: Section X" as dummy items (I created them all as instant message items in a separate folder, and then create links to them in the "related" tab, and then when you click on "Ch 1: Section X," you see all the linked items. But it seems like there should be an easier way to do this. Would it be better to be using tags instead of "related"?

    I also have folders of items named "Ch 1: Section X", but I don't want to drag each item to each folder every time, and I'd prefer it to mark up the item, so I can look under tags or related and see where I've marked the item as useful.

    I hope that makes sense, and thank you in advance for your help!
  • No, there is no way to select multiple tags and apply them at once.
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