Copernicus translator fails for both GMD, GMDD
(Note I suspect this problem is related to
) I'm running ZF + connector= + ZS=4.0.6-6 on debian. ZS>Preferences>Automatically check for updated translators is set, and I just now hit button=Update now. I do atmospheric modeling, so regularly refer to Copernicus pubs. When I browse to either
the address bar icon indicates translator=DOI, and I am able to save, but not completely (metadata is missed, as is the article as PDF).
) I'm running ZF + connector= + ZS=4.0.6-6 on debian. ZS>Preferences>Automatically check for updated translators is set, and I just now hit button=Update now. I do atmospheric modeling, so regularly refer to Copernicus pubs. When I browse to either
the address bar icon indicates translator=DOI, and I am able to save, but not completely (metadata is missed, as is the article as PDF).
P.S. We have to specifically add all of these Copernicus websites, because they do not have a generalized URL, so you may find more that are not recognized. Just post them here if that's the case.