Reference missing

Dear All:

I'm using one references quite frequently:

Pfeffer & Salancik. 1978. The external control of organizations: A resource dependence perspective.

Now, today I discovered that this reference disappeared from my zotero database. However, I can still insert/edit the reference in 'older' paper in which I have already cited this book when I was still able to find it in my DB.

Is this a known issue, and a potential solution to this?

  • the reason you'd still be able to insert it in an old paper is that citation data is embedded in citations.
    Dan may be able to troubleshoot the disappearance of the item with you - not sure - for that purpose, in one of the docs where you have it cited, press alt+F9 (assuming you're in Word, this is harder in LibreOffice) and copy the entire field code here.
  • Thanks!

    Here the code:

    ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"QxGTMQ2s","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(1978: 48)","plainCitation":"(1978: 48)"},"citationItems":[{"id":2356,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":2356,"type":"book","title":"The external control of organizations: A resource dependence perspective","publisher":"Harper and Row","publisher-place":"New York","source":"","event-place":"New York","ISBN":"080474789X","shortTitle":"The external control of organizations","author":[{"family":"Pfeffer","given":"Jeffrey"},{"family":"Salancik","given":"Gerald"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1978"]]}},"locator":"48","suppress-author":true}],"schema":""}
  • You deleted that item on October 26, 2013.
  • (Or thereabouts. That's when the deletion was synced to the server.)
  • Thanks, Dan: I must have deleted the book by accident. Thanks!
  • Dan: Thanks again for the earlier feedback. I thought that I deleted the earlier mentioned reference by accident. Now, however, I found another reference that I did not purposely delete from my library but that is missing from my library. Here the field code from an older Word document that uses the citation:

    ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM {"citationID":"1h96kblgo5","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Blair & Stout, 1999)","plainCitation":"(Blair & Stout, 1999)"},"citationItems":[{"id":5873,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"label":"page"}]}

    Could you let me know when this was deleted from the server? Maybe you have another idea of what a potential source for the problem could be?

  • That was also deleted on 10/26, in the same operation.
  • Thanks, Dan: Would it be possible to get a list of all files deleted on that day? This seems to be the date when something must have went wrong on my system... I don't have any logs for this date on my local system.

  • I can't tell you what the items were (since they're deleted), but I can provide the item keys. There was a batch of over 200 items. Email with a link to this thread and I can give you the full list.

    Bear in mind that items aren't actually deleted until they're emptied from the trash, so if you didn't empty the trash yourself, they could have been moved to the trash a month earlier.
  • Dan: Thanks! I just sent you an email.

    The only changes I made to the way I use zotero around this time frame (09/26 -- 10/26) was to try out the papershipapp, which I am no longer using. Are there any known issue with the app?

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