Problems importing Bibtex (Mendeley output)

I would like to try Zotero, as perhaps it will suit me better than Mendeley, however I have several problems of getting my database into Zotero :

first I had a problem with importing the file links, which is resolved, but not as stated elsewhere on this forum. To get it to work I needed to replace :

file = {:C\:/path/PdfOfRef.pdf:pdf}
pdf = {file://c:/path/PdfOfRef.pdf}

further I have a problem with url, where I have backslashes, which are interpreted, e.g. \o -> ø
I was not able to figure a way out to resolve this other than to replace all backslashes by slashes

Then I have still a problem with keywords, where Zotero seems to have a Problem when there is only one keyword, which includes spaces, such as :
keywords = {NOT In File},

which will become three keywords (tags, Markers ?? I have a French version, in which they are called Marqueurs, by the way, if somebody knows how to change the language ??) "NOT", "IN", and "File"

however, if there are more keywords, e.g.
keywords = {NOT In File,all13C},
these are interpreted correctly as "NOT In File" and "all13C".
Does anybody know what is going on ?


  • Depending on your items, you may be better off just using RIS export from Mendeley. But anyway:
    further I have a problem with url, where I have backslashes, which are interpreted, e.g. \o -> ø
    I don't understand. How can you have a backslash in a URL? It's not a legal URL character.
    Then I have still a problem with keywords, where Zotero seems to have a Problem when there is only one keyword, which includes spaces
    unfortunately there is no standard for keyword entry in bibtex, so Zotero tries to guess - if there is no comma, it views spaces as delimiters.
    You can turn this off by modifying the file
    BibTeX.js, which is in the translator folder of your Data directory:
    Set var keywordSplitOnSpace = false; in this line:
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