Exporting PDF files

Is it possible to export only the documents (PDFs for example)? Since they are stored inside individual folders, it becomes quite a task to go inside each and copy only the PDFs and then paste them in a different folder on my desktop. This may be necessary in case, for some reason, I would like to take PDFs somewhere, say on a pen-drive. Thanks.
  • Two ways to do it.

    If you're on a mac or linux machine, per adamsmith here:
    "you can do a saved search for attachment item type - is - PDF and
    collection - is - [the subecollection in question] the resulting saved search will allow you to select all PDFs (and just those) in the sub collection uses select all (ctrl/cmd + a) and drag them out of Zotero."
    This doesn't currently work on Windows (multi-item drag is broken).

    How I do it:
    Just export the items normally, including selecting to export attachments. Then in the export folder, search for *.pdf. Select all the search results and copy them wherever you want.
  • Just export the items normally, including selecting to export attachments. Then in the export folder, search for *.pdf. Select all the search results and copy them wherever you want.
    If you just want all the PDFs you have in Zotero and don't need to be more selective, there's no need to even export — you can just create a saved search in your OS to show all PDFs within the Zotero data directory.
  • biwernik, Dan:

    Thanks a lot for your suggestions. Shall try them out. Regards.
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