Mass-import pdfs to already existing items in Zotero standalone?


My problem is simply the reverse of what is usually done in Zotero, namely the “add pdfs and then retrieve meta-data”. I already have some central meta-data (title, url, but not DOI) in my Zotero standalone (around 1000 items) but no PDFs attached to them. What I like to do is automatically let Zotero attach PDF´s to these already existing items. Is this possible in Zotero? There is a similar function in Endnote, which is failing by the way, and therefore I am testing Zotero.

I searched the forum but did not find anything on this.

All help appreciated
  • no such function, no. Generally planned, but not going to happen anytime soon.
  • ok, thanks for a prompt reply!

    One would think that this is a simpler technology than the excellent meta-data retrieve function of Zotero. But thanks again for replying.

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