Citations in footnote NOT included in the Bibliography

I have a few citations in footnotes.

When I run the Bibliography, all the references that were included in the footnotes are NOT included in the Bibliography.

What can I do? Do I just type in the missing details?

Thank you in advance.
  • citations that you inserted with Zotero? That shouldn't be possible.
    If you did insert them with Zotero — which word processor, which citation style?
  • I am using Harvard University of the West of England - Bristol.

    I created the citation through Zotero in this is the footnote in my text which is fine:
    The ‘informal sector’ refers to a heterogeneous group of activities and employment relationships that share one common characteristic – the lack of legal recognition, regulation or protection…. [and] encompasses a diverse range of activities from street trading and micro-enterprise to home working, service provision and domestic labour (Potter et al., 2012: 132).

    However, Potter et al.,...... does not appear in the Bibliography in my Word document although the full details are visible in Zotero.
  • edited January 22, 2014
    If this is just one footnote, try deleting and re-inserting it (the Zotero citation, that is, not the entire footnote).
    Which word processor?
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