Month and page span in Chicago author-date

When using Chicago 16th edition author-date bibliography entries for journal articles come out like this (journal title in italics):

Anderson, R. J., J. A. Hughes, and W. W. Sharrock. 1987. “Executive Problem Finding: Some Material and Initial Observations.” Social Psychology Quarterly 50 (2) (June): 143–159.

There seem to be two ways in which this diverges from the manual. Firstly, I don't think the month should appear as well as the issue number -- it seems to me from pages 791–2 that only the issue should appear, giving the reference this form:

Anderson, R. J., J. A. Hughes, and W. W. Sharrock. 1987. “Executive Problem Finding: Some Material and Initial Observations.” Social Psychology Quarterly 50 (2): 143–159.

Secondly, page spans should take the form nnn–nn rather than nnn–nnn, giving the page span like this:

Anderson, R. J., J. A. Hughes, and W. W. Sharrock. 1987. “Executive Problem Finding: Some Material and Initial Observations.” Social Psychology Quarterly 50 (2): 143–59.

Am I reading this wrong or are these errors in the style please?

Thanks and best wishes

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  • Rather than leaving out the month altogether, even when no issue is given, the format should be modified to:

    Anderson, R. J., J. A. Hughes, and W. W. Sharrock. 1987. “Executive Problem Finding: Some Material and Initial Observations.” Social Psychology Quarterly 50, no. 2 (June): 143–59.

    Not printing a month means leaving out essential information when a journal is paginated month-by-month while not divided into issues.

    On the other hand, it is "never wrong" to include issue, or month or season, or both (CMS, 16e, "14.180 Journal volume, issue, and date").
  • "Anderson, R. J., J. A. Hughes, and W. W. Sharrock. 1987. “Executive Problem Finding: Some Material and Initial Observations.” Social Psychology Quarterly 50, no. 2 (June): 143–59."

    I don't see how you can get this from the examples in Chapter 15, especially 15.9. All examples and the text suggest using 50 (2).
    We could consider including the month in parentheses where we have no issue number, though I'm not sure about that.
  • CMoS staff confirmed by email that the format I suggested is correct. ("Yes, that looks good. Note, however, that if a month is given, the issue number may be omitted. Please see CMOS 14.180.")

    Again, I would prefer to have both issue and month included if both are in the database, but please do include at least the month (in parentheses) when there is no issue number.
  • I'm going to capitulate here. I simply do not understand what CMOS wants for author date styles. In all their examples they use the issue in parentheses, they tell you using no. 2 is fine, I don't know how to do both.
  • I'm going to capitulate here.
    Please don't.

    It’s somewhat hidden, but the rule behind this seems to be in CMoS 16e, “15.46 Parentheses with issue number”: “… the issue number may be omitted if pagination is continuous throughout a volume or when a month or season is included. When volume and issue number alone are used, the issue number is placed in parentheses. When only an issue number is used, it is not enclosed in parentheses.“ [My emph.]

    I read the “alone” as “not followed by month or season”; thus, when a month or season is included, the issue number is also not enclosed in parentheses.

    For the CSL style file, I believe the formatting of the issue number would just have to be made dependent on the presence or absence of a month or season variable.
  • This is both a technical problem - it's impossible to test for the presence of a month/season in CSL - as well as a logistical problem:

    Pretty much all items have a known month of publication, and Zotero picks that up when it's available, e.g.
    Blair, Walter. 1977. “Americanized Comic Braggarts.” Critical Inquiry 4 (2): 331–49.
    from CMoS 15.09
    was published in December and Zotero gets that from JSTOR.

    My sense is that CMoS really couldn't make up their mind here, especially looking at the 15th edition, which has almost no issue numbers _or_ month for the author-date style but then mentions that "In reference-list style, the issue number is often in parentheses. The issue number may be omitted, however, if pagination is continuous throughout a volume (but see 17.161). It is also unnecessary when a month or season precedes the year (see 17.164). See also 17.168. "

    Going with the additional info from the 15th edition (I'm aware they changed the style, but I think general ideas can still be inferred) I'd be OK with the following rules:
    1. If there is issue and volume number, use 23 (45)
    2. If there is no issue number but a volume no. _and_ month, month-range or season, use that in parentheses as in 23 (May-June).
    3. If there is no volume no. but an issue number, use that preceded by "no. " and no parentheses as in "Some Weird Volumeless Journal, no. 23: 123-45"
    4. If there is neither volume nor issue, print the month - or even the exact date, without parentehses as in "Some Weird Volumeless and Issueless Journal, no. 23: 123-45"

    Would that work for you?

    What I'm not going to do is include the month by default in the author-date version of CMoS, because I believe that goes against both the examples presented in the manual and against the custom in disciplines (such as my own) that use CMoS author-date.
  • edited February 16, 2014
    Well, the way I understand CMoS, they prefer month/season over issue if both are available. Still, also given the current inability to test for presence of month/season, I see your proposal as a practicable solution.

    For your no. 4., however, journal entries without volume or issue, we should follow CMoS 16e 14.181:

    “When only a date is available, it becomes an indispensable element and should therefore not be enclosed in parentheses; a comma follows the journal title and the date.

    Saberhagen, Kelvin. “Lake Superior Beluga?” Sturgeon Review, Winter 1928, 21–45.”

    which, I take it, in the author date variant would be

    “Saberhagen, Kelvin. 1928. “Lake Superior Beluga?” Sturgeon Review, Winter, 21–45.”

  • That's what I meant for 4., yes, just mistyped.
  • OK, this should be fixed now. I've also fixed the commas that vary depending on what is there and addressed the relevant parts for the note/full-note styles as well
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