How do I stop zotero export to BibTex from using problematic non-alphanumeric characters in keys?

Hello everyone.

I am using pandoc with a bibtex file generated by zotero. But pandoc has a current limitation by which it does not process two non-alphanumeric characters in a row.

All the details are at

As such I would like to know if it is possible to change Zotero's export so that when you have an item like this

author = {Pico, Alexander R and Kelder, Thomas and van Iersel, Martijn P and Hanspers, Kristina and Conklin, Bruce R and Evelo, Chris},
title = {{WikiPathways:} Pathway Editing for the People},
journal = {{PLoS} Biol},
year = {2008},

it generates this key 'pico_wikipathways_2008' instead of this one 'pico_wikipathways:_2008'.

More generally, I would like to avoid keys with more than one non-alphanumeric character in a row.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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