Style Request: Indoor Air Journal (Wiley)

Journal Info for Authors page:

link to journal issues:

ISSN: (from NLM) -- note NLM says publisher is Oxford: Blackwell but now is Wiley.
0905-6947 (Print)
1600-0668 (Electronic)
0905-6947 (Linking)

In text:
References to the published literature should be cited in the text using the author, date style, such as Weschler and Shields (2000). For articles with three or more authors, cite as "First author et. al (date)."

References at the end of text:
References should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the text, and all authors' names must be listed. Please abbreviate all journal titles. Abbreviations used by ISI can be found here:

Journal article
Weschler, C. and Shields, H.C. (2000) The influence of ventilation on reactions among indoor pollutants: Modeling and experimental observations, Indoor Air, 10, 92–100.

ASHRAE (1992) Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, Atlanta GA, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE Standard 55-1992)

Patankar, S. V. (1980) Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Washington, Hemisphere Publishing Co.

Conference proceedings
Zhao, D.Y., Cox, S.S. and Little, J.C. (1999) Source/sink characterization of diffusion-controlled building materials. In: Proceedings of Indoor Air ’99, Vol 1, pp. 408–413.
  • PS. If this is a dependent style, would appreciate someone pointing out the parent style. Thanks.
  • we need the exact sample citations given on (i.e. the Mares and the Campbell and Pederson) formatted in the IAJ style - not just any sample citations.
  • Ah -- OK ... (My only doubt is the "?" in the book section since the journal uses a period after the section title. I assume that gets dropped with a title ending in a question.)

    Campbell, J.L., and Pedersen, O.K. (2007) The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies, 40, 307–332.

    Mares, I. (2001) Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall, P.A. and Soskice, D. (eds). Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 184–213.
  • great thanks. Will take some time to get done.
  • Much less urgent than the problem with PMCID. That is forcing me to go back to Endnote :-( My work is dependent on NIH grants.
  • The style is now up. It will appear on the style repository within 30mins.. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)

    Any problems please let us know.
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