Creating printable labels

I would like to create labels that I can print so I can organize hard copies of my documents. Is there any way to do this via Zotero?
  • Or, could I transfer my info from Zotero to another program that creates labels? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
  • You can use Zotero to create a bibliography (a list of your items).

    There are plug-ins for Word and to allow you to work with your Zotero data from within those programs, or to export a bibliography into them.

    Word has wizards to help you set up pages of labels (haven't ever tried it in

    So I'm sure it's possible; it would probably take me anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to work out the details on my own system...

    If you don't want to mess with the plug - ins, Zotero will also export your list to the clipboard, and then you can just paste into whatever program you are using and take it from there.

    Hope this helps.
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