Capitalize editions appropriately


If I enter the edition of a book as text rather than a number, then the capitalization stays the same - but it should change depending on context.

So, in Chicago style, this is the listing in the bibliography:
———. The Law of Nations: Or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct of Nations and Sovereigns. New ed. London: G. G. and J. Robinson, 1797.

But in the footnote, the same source shows up as:
  • Oops:

    In the footnote, the source shows up as:
    The Law of Nations: Or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct of Nations and Sovereigns, New ed. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson, 1797).

    Here, "New ed." should be "new ed."
  • makes sense, I'll take a look, might take a little time, though.
  • ok, this is now more or less fixed:
    Chicago will uppercase the first letter of a non-numerical edition in the bibliography. It will _not_ force anything to lowercase for the note, as that would interfere with other languages (e.g. ", neue Ausgabe" in German).
    In other words entering the edition string in lowercase in Zotero will get you the correct result
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