Leave titles in other languages in sentence case (Chicago)
In Chicago style, Zotero displays all titles as Title Case in footnotes and bibliographies. I would like to leave titles in languages other than English as Sentence Case. Is that possible?
For titles in other languages, indicate the language in the "Language" category: fre, French, ger, German, etc.
Here's a related question: How do I get an English-language name of an Act not to revert to Title Case?
For example, Zotero produces this:
An Act to Amend the Naturalization Acts and to Punish Crimes against the Same, and for Other Purposes. 16 Stat. 254, 1870.
When I entered this:
An Act to amend the Naturalization Acts and to punish Crimes against the same, and for other Purposes. 16 Stat. 254, 1870.
This example is arcane, but some examples will be recent Acts.
Edit: but there is no other way besides changing the language field (or editing the citation style)