Style error: chicago-author-date.csl: identical editor and translator

A "Book Section" item with identical name(s) in editor and translator fields is rendered as, e.g.,

Doe, John. 2013. ‘Title’. In Book Title, edited by Ed Editor. Place: Publisher.


Doe, John. 2013. ‘Title’. In Book Title, edited and translated by Ed Editor. Place: Publisher.

A few other styles I tried, chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl and chicago-note-bibliography.csl, render this as expected:

Doe, John. ‘Title’. In Book Title, edited and translated by Ed Editor. Place: Publisher, 2013.
  • thanks - might take me some time to fix this, but I see the style (not limited to the same person as translator - style just doesn't print translators for book chapters at all).
  • The style is now fixed. The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins (check the timestamp). Update your copy of the style by clicking "Update Now" in the General tab of the Zotero preferences.

    Styles also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
    In an existing document, you may have to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect once the style is updated.
    Any further problems please let us know & thanks for reporting
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