how do I do this "Smith (2003)"

Hi all,
I have searched in the forum but could not find a answer for some of my questions.

First, i want to be able to insert a author while i am typing so that is shows in my text like this:

according to Smith (2003) the new forms....

as opposed to
... new form are developed (Smith, 2003)

I know that i could use the second method and reposition the brackets around the year (2003), but if i do that manually it goes back to the original format when i use the refresh button on MS Plugin.

another similar problem is when i need to cite this:

...the forms appear (Smith, 2003, in Dowe, 2005)
if i typed "Smith, 2003" inside the citation field "Dowe, 2005" it goes back to the original format (Dowe, 2005) after i hit "Refresh Zotero" button on MS Plugin.

Any work around here?
  • Both of these are elegantly solved in Zotero, so you don't need a workaround.

    First issue: Write your text: according to Smith...
    Then insert the citation and check the "Suppress author" box.
    Zotero will cite only (2003)

    Second issue (OK, this doesn't work quite as elegantly as I had hoped)
    - two possibilities:
    1. You cite Dowe, 2005 and write in the Prefix box: "Smith, 2003, in" (or the other way around with the suffix box)
    2. You use the multiple citation tool and write ", in" in the prefix or suffix box. Unfortunatley that gives you a separation sign in between the two, usually a ; so I'd go with option 1. The one problem is that it won't then automatically put Smith 2003 in your biography, but if either of the works is cited anywhere else that won't be an issue, of course.
  • :) Beautiful

    It solved my problems.

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to develop something so elegant and practical leaving us (researchers) with more time to spend on our research problems.

    God bless you all

    Dr. Furtado
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