AMBIO style not in chronological order

Hi there,
Ive just started using AMBIO style and I thought I'd flag up a couple of errors, if you dont mind (sorry, sure youre busy).
1. The style guide for AMBIO states that strings of references in-text citations should be in chronological order. The AMBIO style I am using is alphabetical
2. Zotero's AMBIO style lists the names of all papers where there are three or less authors. In AMBIOs online style guide and in their example papers, papers with more than two authors are listed et al.

Would be great if you had the chance to update the style.
  • The style is now fixed. The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins. Update your copy of the style by clicking "Update Now" in the General tab of the Zotero preferences.

    Styles also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
    In an existing document, you may have to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect once the style is updated.
    Any further problems please let us know & thanks for reporting
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