Display icon if Abstract/ Extra/ Notes

For a visitor it's annoying to click open an item to get more info but there is none there.
I would like a "More" column which shows a small icon, or More link if there is an Abstract, Extra, or accessible Notes.

I made a workaround by adding an asterisk to start of all Titles where I have more info.
Then I have an item Title: 0 *HOW TO USE THIS LIBRARY
with author Aaaa
That makes sure it usually appears at the top. In it I explain the asterisks, how to order a collection by date, author etc , how to use my Tags.
But it's still a clumsy workaround.
  • sheesh doesn't work - on the public display without being logged in it puts all the asterisked items first.
  • I would add that it would be very helpful if the Tag and Related tabs were highlighted when they had content in them. I frequently want to scroll through my recent adds to see which ones I haven't tagged; to do that I need to have the tag tab open, which is not optimal. And I would like to be able to tell at a glance if there's a Related item, without going up and opening that tab.
  • Heckscher: morgain13 is referring to the website, but there's an open ticket for something like what you're asking for.

    (morgain13: Please make it clear in your posts when you're referring to the website and when you're referring to the client. Most discussion about Zotero is about the client, so that's what people will assume you're talking about if you don't specify.)
  • Dan point taken and will do.

    I actually meant both as in both zones it's useful/ necessary.
    In the online display I'd want my visitors to easily see there is more info there, or not, so tey don't waste time clicking throughy if not.
    On the client I want to see which items I have not yet annotated, and that will be even more important for team working.

    Thank you for a marvellous resource.
  • In the client you can add a column that shows the number of notes by clicking on the small table icon at the top right of the center panel. Nothing equivalent for tags, though, but see this open ticket:
    (Dan's link went to a closed one), which will add the functionality described by Heckscher for tags and related.
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