Find a PDF when you already have the reference

I have a list of references in zotero for which I don't already have the accompanying PDFs - which has been sent to me by a colleague (they don't have the PDFs either!).

Is there anyway to ask zotero to go online and try and find all the PDFs via a combination of what is freely available and my library access?
I know this exists in some other referencing software (you can do this in endnote for example).
Obviously I can manually select each reference, look it up online, download the PDF and associate it with the reference one at a time but ideally I would like to select all the articles and ask the system to find as many of them as they can in one go.

Thoughts appreciated.
  • not currently no. It's something we're thinking about, but it's still a ways off.
  • Do you realize that for your Zotero items with DOI strings that you can double click the Zotero item in the center window and quickly link to the article. This may also work when the item record includes a URL. Not an automatic process but a quick one.
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