Italian translation - Review and review-book type


I'm working at some italian CSL style, but facing with a problem.
Which is the translation of the item types in italian?

For example, I want to add a review-book, but I can't find the correspondent item on my Zotero Standalone in italian.
Also for review I don't know.

But above all: in the Language Specification of the Citation Style Language 1.0.1 ( the number of types is 35, whereas in italian Zotero 34!!!
It is possible to fix the problem?

  • there is no one-to-one match between Zotero and CSL item types:

    Zotero doesn't have a review item type (search the forum for details), but it does have a reviewed author field for journal articles, so that you can infer a review.
  • Thank you so much for the quick replay.
    Yeah, now I can understand ...

    I have just seen the reviewed author in journal and I'll search for "review" in forum.

    A problem can be that a review needs the title of the book reviewed and the title of review, that can be, unfortunately for me, different from "Review of A good book".

    But I'll try to do the best.

    Thanks a lot for your great work.
  • A problem can be that a review needs the title of the book reviewed and the title of review, that can be, unfortunately for me, different from "Review of A good book".
    correct, that can't be done. Correct, that can't be done. We'll either add a review title or an entire item type in a future version of Zotero, but won't be very soon.
  • Well, that's a good idea.
    The book reviewed, in fact, has to be cited with some of its information, like year, editor and so on.
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