Report ID: 1000104305

My laptop is synced just fine but my desktop says the last sync was 6 days ago, and gives me an error each time I try to sync. I've followed the steps here:
and the error keep coming up. So I'm following advice from here:
and reporting the bug, but not sure if this should be in troubleshooting or syncing, so I'm starting here. Please help! Thanks.
  • The actual error didn't make it into there. What's the actual error when you click the sync error icon?
  • Sorry I thought the report ID would have that info. Basically, when I expand zotero I see the red (!) and when I click on it it says:

    Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing.
    Click the sync icon to resolve them.

    When I hover over sync it says last sync was 6 days ago. When I try to force it to sync, I click next and finish through a couple screens that ask me to choose the remote or local versions of files in conflict, then I get this alert:

    One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
    View the Firefox Error Console for the full list of such changes.

    And it never actually syncs. Same thing every time I try.

  • Right, but what happens after that tag message? None of those things are errors. The actual error would be after you OK the tags message and get a sync error icon.
  • After the tags message I hit okay, zotero and/or Firefox freezes up for a second while displaying a blue Processing bar, then I'm right back at the screen I had originally with the red (!) icon and an un-synced zotero.
  • And clicking on that at that point shows the "Conflicts have suspended automatic syncing" message?

    If so, can you restart Firefox and then provide a Debug ID for a manual sync attempt that produces the error?
  • Correct.

    Debug ID is D1146954422
  • I can't reproduce this, but you're not the only one to encounter it. Can you verify that this is fixed in the latest 4.0 Branch dev XPI?
  • That seems to have done the trick! I initially got the same red (!) symbol but pressing the sync button actually worked this time. Is it okay to stay with the dev branch now I guess until the next official build comes out? Thanks!
  • Yep, staying on that for the time being is fine.
  • Dan: Thanks for this. It's a much, much cleaner fix than the one I proposed in the tracker.
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