If it was up to me, I would have it as a customizable toolbar button. I started looking into making zotero toolbars customizable a while ago, but then other priorities took precedence.
Can the recursive collections feature be changed for the Standalone version too? When I toggled it to true, it works for the in-browser version of Zotero, but didn't change anything in the StandAlone version, which I really prefer to work in.
Thanks in advance!
I think adding this option to the "general" preferences tab would be fine. Sure, the general preferences are already packed with a lot of information, but one more line of text in the miscellaneous section won't break the camel's back. Recursive collections is a very powerful tool, and I think it deserves a space.
Keep in mind that many people don't always know what terms to search for when investigating this feature. I stumbled upon the hidden preference - which I had actually wanted for some time - through a serendipitous Google trek. Even if we keep the current behavior as default, showing this preference could really help users to maximize their experience.
Bumping to add a vote now that we're in 5.x. Because there was some discussion about where to fit this option, I would suggest perhaps more intuitive UI changes:
- Shift- or Ctrl-click to select multiple collections, and
- Adding a right-click menu option to 'select/deselect all subcollections' from a parent collection
Multi-collection highlighting in the collection browser would then be helpful to see what is currently being displayed.
Thanks in advance!
Keep in mind that many people don't always know what terms to search for when investigating this feature. I stumbled upon the hidden preference - which I had actually wanted for some time - through a serendipitous Google trek. Even if we keep the current behavior as default, showing this preference could really help users to maximize their experience.
- Shift- or Ctrl-click to select multiple collections, and
- Adding a right-click menu option to 'select/deselect all subcollections' from a parent collection
Multi-collection highlighting in the collection browser would then be helpful to see what is currently being displayed.