Losing citations when copying between collections in Group and My Libraries


I am trying to copy citations from a Group Library sub collection to a My Library sub collection. The problem is I seem to be losing some citations. In the group library I can see there are 729 items. I select all and drag to the folder in My Library. But then there are only 678 citations!

There are definitely duplicates, is it automatically not bringing some of them in? If this is what is happening, is there a way to stop that (I want to be able to see the duplicates at this point).

I have tried the same thing with smaller amounts of citations, and some copy the exact number and some seem to lose a few also.

Any helpful hints? Thanks.
  • edited November 8, 2013
    In the group library I can see there are 729 items
    As in, it says that you've selected 729 items when you select all? Does that include any notes or attachments? (if so, see Preferences -> General -> Groups)

    Edit: and by notes and attachments I don't necessarily mean that these are attached to other Zotero items.
    There are definitely duplicates, is it automatically not bringing some of them in?
    That should not be the case.
  • Yes, it says "729 items selected" (in the right hand column).

    The 729 is parent items. I just played with the Preferences- General- Group settings, and whether I have all choices selected (how it was) or none selected, I still get 678.
  • Is it possible that some of those items had be moved between the two libraries before? That is, is it possible that the 51 items that are missing are already in your library but in a different location?

    It would be best if you could reduce the set of items that still produce this problem. But even if you can't, could you provide a Debug ID for the action of copying these items to your library?
  • It is definitely possible that these 51 are elsewhere in my library (my goal is to compare 2 lists of citations and there is definitely overlap), but if that was why, I would expect many more than 51 to disappear.

    The Debug ID is D1987676599 (for the 729 only copying 678).

    I also did a smaller set. 125 items are selected, only 124 copy. The Debug ID is D171251907.

    Thanks for your help!
  • Just for more information:

    It appears other sub collection folders in My Library have "lost" some citations. For what I am working on, tracking the number of citations from various sources is important, so I have been keeping careful track. Now going back to look at some of these folders, I can see that some of them, but not all, have 1 or 2 less citations than they did prior.

    Even if these are elsewhere in my library, isn't the point to be able to have the same item in several sub collections? I really can't imagine where they are going! Thanks.
  • Sorry, one more point:

    I just looked at my online Zotero, which I sync-ed this morning. It has all the proper number of citations in the sub collection folders. So since I have sync-ed it, things have gotten weird. Perhaps I should restore from server and go from there?
  • For the time being, please do not sync (sounds like you have automatic sync disabled) or restore from server. Dan will have to take a look at the debug IDs and get back to you.
  • What's the URL of an item online that you don't see in the same place in the client?
  • And, to clarify, do you see the item in the library root in the client, but just not in the collection?
  • Hi. Sorry for the delayed response.

    So I went through the small (125) set of citations to find the one that wasn't copying. It was an update (error correction) of another citation that did copy. The URL for the correction is http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1463-1326.2010.01245.x/full

    I do see this citation in My Library (however this could have come in with a different set of citations).
  • Sorry, I meant the URL for the item on zotero.org.
  • Sorry about that.


    Is that what you were looking for?
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