Syle request: BibTex with key as in "Export library"

Dear all,
I am using latex/bibtex. Is there any style, like , which allows having the citation key formatted as "firstauthor_firstwordoftitle_year", the same citation key one gets when Zotero's library is exported as Bibtex (file->export library)?
Thank you
  • That's not possible with a citation style -
    but I'm wondering why you'd need that? You can export individual items using right-click --> Export selected items and you can set "Bibtex" (or BibLaTex) as the default output format (under export in the preferences), so you get it using drag&drop.
  • Yes, thank you, that is useful and that's how I was initially using zotero.

    However, I'm still interested in having or implementing such style (if possible). Indeed, I found very useful the libreoffice plugin which allows to find and cite references directly inside a word-processor document (having them appearing nicely with, eg, "Nature" style). Then I change style to bibtex and have a tex document ready to be used and bibliography at the end in bib style, but citation keys are different than the ones in the bibliography exported from Zotero (so I cannot use just one bib file for the various documents). So far, I defined a citation key which is DOI/ISBN (hence unique), but using the "default" zotero bibtex one would be great and would save me from having a document-dependent bib file.

    I guess an alternative could be to change the BibTeX.js translator to have the same key as the bibtex CSL (eg DOI/ISBN in my case):
    //%a = first author surname
    //%y = year
    //%t = first word of title
    var citeKeyFormat = "%a_%t_%y";

    Isn't it possible to extract first author surname and first word of title in the CSL?

  • Isn't it possible to extract first author surname and first word of title in the CSL?
    correct. You can't get parts of the title in CSL. Editing the bibtex export would work, of course.
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