Cannot select Tags

The Tags are greyed out
  • that means you're in a collection where those tags don't exist, so selecting them would return an empty set.
  • Why should that depend on the collection I have opened ?
    I want to choose any tag independently of collection.
  • Zotero won't let you select a tag if that would result in an empty set - i.e. no items returned. Not sure why that's unclear?
  • You can still drag an item from the center pane onto a tag even if it is greyed out.
  • If the set is deleted, the tag should be deleted aswell but Zotero does not delete the tag. Instead, it is greyed out and not clickable. Right ?
    I also am surprized that I have manny tags which I did not add

    Choosing the My Labrary collecting gives access to all tags
    This tag pane should be accessible from everywhere, not just the My Librar collection

    Arggem: it is not possible to drag an item from the center pane onto the tag pane. Why would I do that ?
  • I'm not sure why you can't do that. I can.

    This is what the documentation says:
    To assign a tag to multiple items at once, drag a selection of items from the center column onto a tag in the tag selector.
  • PinaColada: Please spend some time with the documentation arggem links to. It sounds like you're confused about various parts of how the tag selector works.
    If the set is deleted, the tag should be deleted aswell but Zotero does not delete the tag.
    If you want to delete a tag globally and immediately, you can right-click on it in the tag selector and delete it. If you just remove a tag from all items, it will remain for a short time. (And if you don't remove a tag from all items, it will obviously remain.)
    I also am surprized that I have manny tags which I did not add
    You can disable automatic tags. Again, see the documentation.
  • This is citation from the documentation
    "Automatic tags can be hidden from the tag selector by clicking the multi-color button to the right of the tag selector's Filter field and deselecting “Show Automatic”.
    OK, but which are those automtic tags and how did they appear there ??

    I still wonder why I need to enter the My Library in order go see all the tags pane.
  • PinaColada: From the documentation linked above:
    When items are saved to a Zotero library via a web translator, tags are sometimes automatically attached. For example, OPAC library catalogs provide subject headings for their records, which are saved as Zotero tags. Automatic tags behave the same as manually added tags.
  • Here you see image of my collection while in My Library
    You can see the tag pane.
    Which of those tags are added by the system?
    What means the black arrow on f ex Summertime which appears once with arrow and once without arrow.
  • edited November 9, 2013
    The tag selector shows a combination of automatic and manual tags, and both can exist for the same tag, so it doesn't show the type there. Automatic tags are orange in an item's Tags pane in Zotero's right-hand pane. Manual tags are blue.

    The arrow is in the page title of playing YouTube clips. It doesn't have anything to do with Zotero. Zotero just saves the page title as it exists during saving.
  • (That said, we could make our YouTube translator strip out the arrow.)
  • In the Tag pane (which is on the left and not right side) there are only one orange, one green, one blue and the rest are black tags
    Thus I cannot distinguish which is manual and which is automatic

    The arrow in the page title means You Tube but as said, some You Tube titles have no arrow.
  • The thing in the bottom left is the "tag selector". I'm talking about the "Tags" tab in the right-hand pane when an item is selected. That's where you can see blue and orange icons for automatic and manual tags. The colored tags at the top of the tag selector are colored tags that you yourself assigned — that doesn't have anything to do with this. Again, you can't see automatic vs. manual in the tag selector.
    The arrow in the page title means You Tube but as said, some You Tube titles have no arrow.
    As I said, it's in the title of playing clips. If a clip isn't playing when you save it, there won't be an arrow in the title. But again, we could have Zotero strip the arrow.
  • Don't strip the arrow !
  • Huh? The arrow isn't part of the title. It should absolutely be stripped. (And weren't you just complaining about it a few posts up?)
  • edited November 10, 2013
    I did not complain of the arrow but wanted to know why it is there.
    Of course, I suspected it has to do with YouTube but it was not clear why not every each YouTube had an arrow.

    I also learned that it is not possible to see at a glance which are automatic resp manual tags in that Tag Selector area (which I called Tag Pane area)
    And that in order to see all tags one needs to open the My Library collection first.
    If there is anything to improve on maybe you should consider these and not the arrow.
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