Directory not listing

I've run into a problem where I booted Mozilla and I was told the directory does not contain any valid files. I looked in the directory and I still have a storage folder with all my contents in it, however I now can only see the Zotero Quick Start Guide listed. Can anyone advise?

  • Mostly, I need someone to help me rebuild my sqlite file without having to find all the citations again.
  • Again, I still have access to the PDF's. Is there anyway to generate a new sql file?
  • edited June 24, 2008
    Is there anyway to generate a new sql file?

    What files do you see in the data directory, and what are their sizes?
  • edited June 26, 2008
    I see all the PDF's I've stored for each citation, plus the cache files for each individual citation. Each in their own separate folder and each in a macrofolder "storage". Outside of this folder I've already generated a new .sql file because the old one wasn't there. Is there anyway to import the old citations?
  • Is there anyway to import the old citations?
    No, there's not.
  • Darn. Alright. Do you think requesting a feature for a folder scan and re-import is possible? Or with the given software it can't happen?
  • There wouldn't be any metadata to detect when recreating the items.

    Many people have requested a more general feature to attempt to pull bibliographic data from a set of PDFs, and that may get implemented eventually, but it's not possible at the moment.

    I assume you've looked around to see if you have the old zotero.sqlite file anywhere else? Did you by any chance change your data directory setting in Zotero and move the storage folder but forget to move the .sqlite file?
  • Well, I know what happened to the old file. In transmission over FTP (I mapped the drive) there was a disconnect error when transferring that specific file. After that, it was permanently lost and there was no .bak file either (maybe it was removed?).
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