Date added field to show date only

Hi, the date added field is great in providing some kind of timeline feature which I am really using a lot.
However, I am never interested in the time I added an item (and, in fact, I wonder: Who is?)
Therefore I suggest removing the time and leaving the date only.
Alternatively, it should come as an option only.
Reason is that the column currently consumes a significant amount of space which makes it hard to read. Screen space is limited!
Thank you for kind consideration.
  • edited October 24, 2013
    the time is important if you're adding lots of items and want to look at the last ones you added. You can just minimize to column to just show the date - column width is adjustable
  • Though it could hide the time and just use it for sorting...
  • Minimising the column does not work as months with two digits extend the line to the right which eliminates the year's last digit.
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