MLZ CMS Bibliography Sort Disordered?

Some entries of MLZ CMS bibliography are sorting out of order. They seem to be clustered alphabetically, but I can't seem to figure out what the sections have in common. It's a short bib; only two pages. I'm just using MLZ plain-jane, no locale settings or any such. Thx.
  • I figured it out:

    Books and Essays
    Journal Articles


    Where do you adjust the sort specs?
  • edited October 22, 2013
    that's purposefully coded into the style.
    <key macro="item-type-key"/>

    I don't know why, fbennet would have to say.
    <key macro="item-type-key"/>
    from the CSL would restore standard CMS sorting.
  • My bad. This sort pattern was added to the style for local masters' thesis at the last submission cycle. The change shouldn't have been applied to the distributed version of the style.

    What adamsmith says will restore normal sorting. I'll be applying the same change to the distributed style later today.
  • The corrected style should now be available via CitationStylist.
  • Okay. Thanks!
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