Managing buttons in standalone


First of all, I am unsure of where to post this topic, since it is a feature request but it could belong in Standalone. Please excuse me if I was wrong to do it here.

There are some existing features that I use more than others (in my case, attaching a PDF file); I was thinking it would be nice to be able to manage buttons so that I could add a shortcut for what I use most, instead of having to navigate through menus. I have failed to find a way to do so with Zotero current options.

Thank you.
  • generally, the Zutilo add-on allows you to specify custom keyboard shortcuts for a lot of functions.
    If I understand you correctly, it doesn't currently cover the function you want (which is attached stored copy of file, correct?) but you can talk to the Zutilo developer. It would be easy enough to add.
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