Style error: chicago-author-date.csl: match="any"

Judging by the discussion in, it seems that in chicago-author-date.csl the line

<else-if type="thesis personal_communication"/>

should be replaced by

<else-if type="thesis personal_communication" match="any"/>

This would bring the style in line with the CSL specs, and more specifically it solves the problem of the thesis genre appearing twice when using this style with pandoc.
  • edited October 15, 2013
    The style is now fixed. The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins (check the timestamp). Update your copy of the style by re-installing it from the repository. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)

    Styles should also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
    In an existing document, you may have to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect once the style is updated.
    Any further problems please let us know.
  • Thank you.

    It also seems that in chicago-author-date.csl, in <macro name="secondary-contributors">

    &lt;names variable=&quot;editor translator&quot;&gt;
    should be changed to
    &lt;names variable=&quot;editor translator&quot; delimiter=&quot;. &quot;&gt;
    to avoid output such as
    ... Edited by Edward EditorTranslated by Ted Translator. ...
  • thanks, done. Same instructions as above.
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