Accessed Date for URL citations


Since mostly the accessed date for a URL entry or citation would be the same day I'm entering the cite info, it would be very convenient if a button called "today" is available, so that once clicked, todays date is entered there : )
Another feature (optional in the Zotero settings) would be to have the entry creation date as the access date by default.

  • The way that Zotero is meant to work with webpage citations is that you right-click on the page and select Zotero -> Create web page item from current page (in Firefox there is a "create item from current page" button in Zotero toolbar). It will then enter some metadata automatically and set date accessed. It will also create a snapshot of the page.
  • That's great but sometimes the browser plugin doesn't get the right citation. Please try the following link from Bloomberg
  • Probably I just need to update the citation title when using browser plugin.
  • That seems to be working ok for me. Or do you mean that it adds " | Bloomberg New Energy Finance" to the end of the title? That would be expected, because that is the actual title of the page and there is no way for Zotero to know otherwise.
  • while you should really enter webpages as suggested by Aurimas, Zotero does de facto have a "today" button: If you just type "today" (whithout quotation marks) into any date field, Zotero will convert that into todays date. Same for "yesterday".
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