Help: removing first name from subsequent reference

Hi everyone,

I am trying to modify a French style called "infoclio sans majuscules". How can I remove the author's first name while keeking his or her family name in a subsequent note?
  • add form="short" to the line starting with <name...
  • Thanks… But it doesn't seem to work, I still get both names. It's as if I hadn't done anything.
  • I need to see the style to say more. Post as a public gist to and provide the URL here.
  • Ok, here is the link:

    Thanks a lot
  • currently you use the same macro for complete & subsequent citations, so that can't work.

    What you want to do is to create a macro along these lines:
    <macro name="author-short">
    <names variable="author">
    <name sort-separator=", " form="short"/>
    <label form="short" prefix=",&#160;" suffix=""/>
    <et-al font-style="italic"/>
    <names variable="editor"/>
    </names >

    and then use that in the subsequent citation.
  • I created the macro as you told me, but I still got both names. And if I suppress the "author-or-editor" macro, or add "short", both author's first and family name disappear, which is not something I want either. Is there something I forgot to do?
  • edited September 26, 2013
    you also need to use the macro in the citation, see e.g. this version of the style:
    line 391 to be specific
  • Thank you so much! It worked. I'm new at this and was completely lost.
    Thanks again
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