RDFa meta tags

I'm new to Zotero and the whole reference management thing, so sorry if these are newbie FAQs. I am interested in using html meta tags to expose metadata on web pages, sticking as much as possible to widely-deployed vocabularies such as DC.

I have got some impressions about what Zotero does, and wanted to confirm if they are accurate.

1) Zotero defines its own namespace prefixes and does not let the document define them differently, e.g. if document has

xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" or
prefix="dct: http://purl.org/dc/terms/"

Zotero will still look for dcterms: .

2) Zotero will not recognize a meta element that has more than one property, e.g.

<meta property="bibo:abstract dcterms:abstract" content="Abstract goes here."/>

will not be recognized as either property.

Thanks for anything on this.

  • both are correct yes, though re 1) Zotero does accept some variations for common prefixes - e.g. dc dc1_0 and dterms are all accepted as prefixes. We may accept custom prefixes in the future, though I don't think it's high on anyone's agenda to implement.

    I've never actually seen 2) implemented in any page - it looks wrong to me, but we could probably make it work if there's a compelling reason or if it's explicitly allowed in a standard.
  • edited September 22, 2013
    You can define custom prefixes. See last few comments here: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/31962/can-we-overide-url-and-webpage-type-with-dc/
  • ugh - sorry. I remembered that of course, but then just read your first post there.
  • Here: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#s_syntax

    the property attribute is defined as:

    a white space separated list of TERMorCURIEorAbsIRIs, used for expressing relationships between a subject and either a resource object if given or some literal text (also a 'predicate');

    Also, the RDFa 1.1 Distiller at


    will parse the meta element with a space-separated list of property attributes into one triple for each of the properties, which agrees with the definition above.

  • Fixed. You can now define multiple properties/predicates inside property/name attribute.

    You can also now declare prefixes in the prefix attribute on html and head elements.

    Zotero still only parses meta elements, so it's not exactly a complete RDFa processor. Maybe some time in the future we'll expand this for complete RDFa support.
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