Numbering of edited references is not updating in bibliography

This is maybe a normal behavior:

- I had a bibliography, was happy with it, and had edited several entries (e.g. to italicize part of some titles).

- Then, I wanted to add in the text a citation to what was ref. 17 at an earlier point in the text (making it become ref. 8).

---> The ref. number in the text becomes 8, but the numbering in the bibliography is not updated for the entries that I edited... (the order is adapted, but for example the 8th reference has still the number 17... So it becomes an unreadable mess).

---> I see the point that an edited entry is not updated anymore (this is great), but the numbering should be independent of that, you don't want updating the numbers manually each time you change something, right?
(Is this a "normal" behavior, or is this a bug that should not happen?)
  • Currently, edited entries are handled entirely in Zotero: the citation processor always delivers the citation formatted according to the CSL style rules, and Zotero uses its existing copy instead. The two copies of the citation are "dumb strings", making it very difficult to modify their content (including the citation number) in a reliable way.

    That's the technical problem, but it is not insurmountable. The processor could be extended with a facility for registering "frozen" citation strings in its internal registry. If the citation number (only) in such citations were set as a replaceable slug (like "@@citation-number@@" say), Zotero could substitute in the correct citation number before inserting the string into the bibliography on refresh.

    (I'm just posting this note as an aide-mémoire. I doubt that there will be early moves in this direction, but I can make adjustments in the processor if Simon and Dan find time in the schedule to address the issue.)
  • Okay... I don't understand each detail... But I really think that it would be great to have this modification implemented: having to re-number by hand all the edited references in the bibliography each time there is a modification is not very convenient.
  • The recommendation here would be to either just fix the citation style or the Zotero data (i.e. if entire parts of a citation need to be in italics, the citation style should handle that, for individual words, enclose them in <i> </i> in Zotero, or, if editing is really unavoidable, do it as a final step.
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