Zotero doesn't recognize old Zotero-references
when I go to 'insert citation' in an 'old' docx-file with existing zotero-references, the window pops up, but it does not recognize the citations before [...]" ! I can choose another style, yes (because of choosing "store-refrences-in-document"-option - i think?!), but if I update/change somethings of the data in the zotero library it doesn't change anything in the citation-field of the file.
Might it depend on the "Store references in document" - option ? Another document without choosing this option works fine.
The solutions of "Debugging broken documents" (http://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_troubleshooting) had no effect.
The Report-ID is: 1726120263 (but I don't know whether this belongs to my described error; in fact there occurs no error!)
when I go to 'insert citation' in an 'old' docx-file with existing zotero-references, the window pops up, but it does not recognize the citations before [...]" ! I can choose another style, yes (because of choosing "store-refrences-in-document"-option - i think?!), but if I update/change somethings of the data in the zotero library it doesn't change anything in the citation-field of the file.
Might it depend on the "Store references in document" - option ? Another document without choosing this option works fine.
The solutions of "Debugging broken documents" (http://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_troubleshooting) had no effect.
The Report-ID is: 1726120263 (but I don't know whether this belongs to my described error; in fact there occurs no error!)
You can test this yourself, if you'd like.
Use alt+f9 in the word document and copy the field code for an item that hasn't update. Towards the beginning of the field you'd see the item URI, something like "uris":["http://zotero.org/users/234272/items/BCWPT28V"]
Compare that to the version of the item in your Zotero library online. You can also get item URIs for items from your client following the instructions here: http://zoteromusings.wordpress.com/2013/04/23/zotero-item-uris-from-client/
I'd expect the one in the document and the one online to be different.
(edit: if you have a very old document, it may have an item key instead of a URI - that should just be the last part of the URI)
Means that, I've destroyed the zotero-database (the allocation) when I exported/imported data ??
Unfortunately, I don't think there's an alternative to deleting and re-inserting any reference that you still need to update.
(i.e. the one that says "uri", not "uris"). Then turn off field codes and click Zotero Refresh button.Whether it is easier to delete the reference and re-insert it, probably depends on how many times a reference is used. If you're using a reference a lot in the document, a simple search and replace could really speed up the process.
At some point, Zotero should probably add a function to re-attach disconnected references.