A way to batch edit journal abbreviations?

Is there any way to batch edit references in zotero? For example, I have a bunch of articles from the Journal of Biomechanics, but only some of them have correctly populated Journal Abbr fields (J Biomech). I'd like to add the correct abbreviation to all of them, since a lot of reference styles I use do require abbreviations, and doing this by hand would take forever.
  • edited September 5, 2013
    no you can't currently (though it's planned for 4.2 or the version after that), but note that when using the Word/LibreOffice plugin, Zotero will automatically generated journal abbreviations (first from a list of journals, then from a list of words, then using an algorithm) by default.
  • Oh well, thanks for the head's up. I've seen the auto-generate button in the settings of the Word plugin, but MEDLINE doesn't index all the journals I cite so I rarely use it.
  • have you tried it? It works for all journals (as I say, using an algorithm), though it may occasionally get non-MEDLINE journals wrong. Also, the MEDLINE list of journals is _way_ longer than the journals they index.
  • Got it - will give it another shot next time I need it. Thanks!
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