Firefox is Dead, Still Need To Export

I installed a theme on my portable firefox a couple of days ago that removed the options for changing the theme, or accessing "file" or anything of that nature.

While trying to remove the theme I deleted a vital component for it which had the effect of destroying that browser.

So I'm trying to figure out how to move all of my Zotero files from the old browser to my new, Firefox 3 browser without being able to export them..

Can I zip them up and name them something for the importer? what do I have to do?
  • FAQ

    (summary: don't worry about import/export; just copy your zotero directory to the new install)
  • I tried to just copy/paste before posting. Is it possible that Firefox 3 has some bug that causes the library to not recognize the files?

    I suppose it is also possible that I didn't put the files in the right place...

    Any other advice?
  • Please check again to make sure you put the files in the right place.
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