cannot delete second duplicate citation


In my bibligraphy I am getting a duplicate citation which also also creates an "a" and "b" in text author date citation. I have gone through the the title section, the duplicate section, and the emptied the trash but have not found the second version. What is happening and how do I get rid of the hidden second citation somewhere? This is what I have in the bibliography:

Chevrier, Sylvie. 2013a. In Cross-Cultural Management: Culture and Management Across the World, edited by Jean-François Chanlat, Eduardo Davel, and Jean-Pierre Dupuis. Routledge.

———. 2013b. “Managing Multicultural Teams.” In Cross-Cultural Management: Culture and Management Across the World, edited by Jean-François Chanlat, Eduardo Davel, and Jean-Pierre Dupuis, 203–223. Routledge.

I want to delet the 2013a version. Thank you.
  • So if you open up Zotero, go to "My Library" and search for Chevrier 2013, you do not see two items? It looks like the second one is a Book Section and the first one is a Book (though it's a bit odd why there's the "In" prefix. What style are you using?), which would explain why this is not picked up by the duplicate detection.

    If not, check your group libraries and Trash.
  • Once you've identified the two items as per Aurimas, I'd actually recommend selecting them both --> right-click --> merge duplicates
    (they need to have the same item type, so you may have to change that accordingly). This will make sure that citations to both will correct, otherwise the deleted citation will remain in the document and you'll have to replace each instance of it manually.
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