Zoho/ writely support

simple zoho.com / writely.com /google doc's support, with a sent to... button, on the home screen.
  • I need this feature badly.
  • If you mean plugin support similar to what is available for Word and OpenOffice, there's not much anyone can do for it. Google Docs doesn't supply means of storing citation data in the document (that is, semantic details like the Zotero ID of an item, etc.), let alone a plugin architecture for interacting with external applications. Those apps are just not up to that particular task, unfortunately.

    (If this is about a different issue [I'm not sure what is meant by a "sent to ..." button], feel free to put me straight.)
  • I use most of my applications online, except some, say, writing with citation. It seems that the Claud era has not come yet.
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