Italics for pre-/suffixes and dates + Word 2010 forgetting italics in bibliography


I've just created a new style for Annals of Surgical Oncology:

For all articles with a DOI they want the full reference as italic. This turns out to be an issue with the date element and pre-suffixes:

<text value=" [Online " font-style="italic"/>
<date form="text" variable="issued" font-style="italic" font-weight="normal"/>
<text value="]" font-style="italic"/>

As you can see I have the work-around for the pre-/suffix as they otherwise don't become italic, this seems to also apply to non-date pre-/suffixes.

Furthermore it seems that the issue with bibliographies in Word has not been resolved (Word 2010, FF 23, Zotero 4.0.10), see this post that has been untouched since 2012:

The problem seems to occur when first item is massively italic, in my case quite a few turn out this way. Do I need to force the first reference's to be non-italic or is there a better solution?
  • 1. Just use
    <if match="any" variable="DOI">
    <group font-style="italic">
    <text macro="author" suffix=": "/>
    <text macro="title" />
    <text macro="container-title" strip-periods="true"/>
    <text value=" DOI:" />
    <text variable="DOI" />
    <date form="text" variable="issued" prefix=" [Online " suffix="]"/>

    that's a lot more elegant anyway. I'd also make sure that that's what the journal actually wants. Pretty much any journal article published today _has_ a DOI so the entire bibliography would appear in all italics. I suspect that they are referring to pre-publication, online only articles, so I'd test for the absence of page number or a volume _and_ the presence of a DOI.

    2. The Word issue is, well, a Word issue and not a Zotero issue, there isn't anything you can do about that even with a workaround (because you have no way to force the first ref to non-italics in the citation style), but if I'm right about the DOI requirements this will be much less likely to occur.
  • Thanks! Excellent tip.

    I guess I'll have to remove the first DOI and then perhaps change it manually. Do you know if this is a Word 2010 issue, or are all versions affected?
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