sobre MLA en español

Hola amigos:

soy nuevo en Zotero pero noto que hay problemas en el estilo MLA en español, como "an" en vez de "y", "print" en vez de "impreso", y otros problemas más.

Les agradecería que solucionaran estos problemas.

  • I see "y" instead of "and". What are your locale settings for Zotero?

    @adamsmith, the "Print" is hardcoded. I'm not really sure if there is a CSL term for it (nothing obvious stands out in the list in the CSL manual). It's also not clear to me whether MLA is meant to be localized.
  • indeed, the various terms used by CSL to describe publication formats aren't supported by CSL, so invidual language versions would have to be coded individually per language.
    MLA is an English language manual, there is no official Spanish (or other) version, but I'd imagine that just like for APA and Vancouver, which in theory are also English only, there are semi-official local adaptations.
  • I was thinking of proposing on the xbiblio mailing list that custom terms be allowed inside CSL styles. In this case, you could define "print" as a custom term and then be able to localize it. Of course this can currently be achieved just by copying a style and changing the hardcoded text, which is at least a workaround. But, more importantly, this change would allow you to define singular/plural terms for some terms that may not be commonly used. I think that would also require some additional rules on how to decide between plural and singular in the processor. I think I came across a need for something like that when I was going through Annual Review styles.

    What do you think? Worth bringing it up?
  • Yes it's a good proposal aurimas.
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